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The obvious difference is that girls/women play on a girls'/women's team, and boys/men play on a boys'/men's team. Other differences are mainly in the style and pace of play; girls'/women's tend to be a little slower and less intense, and also lack some of the more aggressive play and variance of technique that is typical of a male's game. More simply, girls don't use as many tricks (e.g. the use of the dragflick is less common) and don't play as hard (because men are naturally more aggressive and assertive).

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Q: What are the differences of girls hockey teams and boys?
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I am a Lady and I play hockey! There are all kinds of girls who play hockey. There are girls teams from mites (under 8 year olds) to the Olympics. There are girls College teams and orginazations all over the place. While some places have more girls than others they are all over. We love the game just as much as the Boys. "Girls hockey, for the Love of the Game!"

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Hockey is played by both men and women, boys and girls, all around the world.

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No, girls should be able to do anything boys can do!

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Neither...they are gentlemen hockey stars

What do girls wear in ice hockey?

The same as boys I think

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Are there physical differences between boys and girls?

Yes, there are physical differences between boys and girls. These differences include differences in anatomy, reproductive systems, hormones, muscle mass, and bone density.

Is there a professional boy's field hockey team?

While boys' teams are usually primary/secondary school teams or regional representatives, there are many professional men's teams around the world, for example the teams in the European Hockey League.