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basically just practice the basic technique of kicking the ball upwards multiple times. It helps if you keep a rhythm whilst you do it. try not to let the ball go above chest height unless you want to use your head as you will lose control doing this. Once your technique is good you can start to add other tricks by practicing them individually until you can do them properly and then add them into your routine.

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Q: How do you do a soccer keep up?
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Why do soccer players eat oranges at half time?

To keep up their blood sugar level.

Who is inventory of soccer?

Cavemen are told to be the first people to play soccer because of evidence of them kicking a rock into their cave. The first recorded evidence of soccer is during early china years where they played soccer to keep up their endurance and to train to fight.

I play soccer with really good boys but i suck what do i do?

I play soccer to but for a girls team and all you should do is keep on trying and practising .Ask someone to help you with your soccer and keep practising what they teach you. :)I play for a very a good football team in England and i turn up to training every week and i always learn something new.Good Luck for your soccer :)

How does soccer involve math?

Soccer is involved in math because to keep score

Can soccer shoes be worn for football?

no you can't. Soccer shoes have spikes on theedge, and football shoes just have the spikes in the area of the shoe.......... :P

Which sport is better soccer or football?

soccer cause it can keep you healthy it is not too big of a challenge and football came from soccer ---- what he said.

Did the soccer people keep score?


Why is Cardio-respiratory endurance needed for soccer?

beause you need to be able to keep your fitness level up during the period of the game

Can a player keep a soccer ball after a professional soccer game?

Only if he scores a hat trick.

How can you improve your shot in soccer?

keep practising and you will get better