If they can make a routine save look easy and a hard save look routine. As well as punting the ball and talking to you players. I am a trained goalie and this is what I've been told be my personal trainer (he coaches a college team)
Practice my friend, Practice.
I'd have to do some checking, but it might be Manon Rheaume, who attempted to become the first female NHL player....she was a goalie...
The fattest man in the world cannot be a hockey goalie because the position requires flexibility, which cannot be shown by such a fat person.
Train a lot, be quik and agile, maybe do some arm trainigs, and ask a soccer-club near your place to become a goalie in a team.
The goalie.
No, there isn't a goalie in basketball.
If you're good enough to become an NHL goalie, I would go that route. If you're smart enough and dedicated enough to become a plastic surgeon, that would be good. If you just want a steady paycheck and like having a little power, police officer is probably a really good job for you.
Yes you can, Goalie or no goalie :)
You should have someone throw you a ball and catch while moving side to side in the goal.
It all depends on how you touch them, if the goalie has possession, and if the goalie is dribbling the soccer ball.
Yes, as long as they are in the goalie box