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He may drink a lot of water before he play soccer.

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13y ago

The nervous system receives and interprets received signals, mostly visual, but also audio and tactile. It then controls the muscular system, which carries the skeletal system with it.

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Q: How do the muscular and skeletal systems work when the boy is playing soccer?
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What organ systems must work together to help a person play a Soccer game?

muscular system,nervous system, skeletal and respiratory system

What are some systems that effect when you play soccer?

Muscular Skeletal Nervous Respiratory

What are the last systems to react when you kick a soccer ball?

Im guessing here...nervous and skeletal?

Why do soccer players need muscular strength?

Muscular strength makes it better for a soccer player to run and kick.

What two body systems help you play soccer?

cardiovascular system mainly, which will help with your aerobic endurance (also, depending on your situation, anerobic).Also, your muscular system. :)

What organ system must work together to help a person play a soccer game?

The muscular system provides the movement needed to play soccer, while the cardiovascular system delivers oxygen and nutrients to the muscles. The respiratory system ensures the body receives enough oxygen during physical activity, and the nervous system coordinates movements and responses during the game.

How can i get better at playing soccer?

you can get better at playing soccer by practicing.

What is a soccer ball for?

For playing soccer

How do you get soccer cancer?

by playing soccer!

Where is the art in soccer?

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How did japan started playing soccer?

soccer was

What are 2 components that are health related in soccer?

Muscular endurance and cardiovascular endurance