I am not sure but it probably came from how fierce warriors are. Most sports that involve the team name warriors are contact.
I hope so, we're up to Dynasty Warriors 7.
To come up with a cheer for a cheer team its not as hard as it seems, all you have to do is be creative. For example use words that rhyme or express your team like we are the best so we cant be beat or lets pretend your mascot is warriors you could say we are the warriors we are the best and we're gonna rock it harder then the rest. Hope this helps:)
one person:Pump, pump, pump it up team: pump, pump, pump it up one person: pump that (team name) spirit up team: pump that (team name) spirit up one person:keep, keep,keep it up Team: keep, keep, keep it up One person: keep that (team name) spirit up team: keep that (team name) spirit up GOOOOOOO (team name)!
They are already made up
That one where they all joined forces to team up on your mum.
Well my drill team is called the blue lighting drill team because our mascot is a lighting bolt. Try to come up with something that will sound hot when u report in
Rainwhisper is NOT a Warrior Cats name it is a made up name but surely could be used in Warriors.
u make iit out of anythiing...my iis Team Zero OR as we say Uniit ZeRo (Z) or (xZx)...watever sounds good iit wiil be ur team name
If you want to edit a player's appearance or playing ability go to features on the menu board by pressing B. then go to manage roster and another screen should come up. click on team roster and it will take you on the list of NHL teams. just find the player you want to edit by clicking on his name from his team. ex) to look up henrik sedin, go to canucks and click on his name. then, go to edit player and the edit screen page will come up where you can edit him. if you want to create a player or team, instead of clicking team roster go down to create player or create team. for create player the same screen should come up as the one for the already made up character. for create team a different screen will come up.
Most teams are named after animals. Just pick an animal that has characteristics you'd like for your team to show - like wildcats for ferocity or badgers for strength.
Well, there are alot of funny team names you can come up with. i had to do this in school once and what i came up with was the "gargastrudels". Or the "feligandolas". Funny huh? ... Walla Walla Weisel Whackers. Or Here For Beer.
a good class name is the riverdogs I think it is a good name. I have an idea a good class name is bulldogs or funny bunny.