

Best Answer

one person:Pump, pump, pump it up

team: pump, pump, pump it up

one person: pump that (team name) spirit up

team: pump that (team name) spirit up

one person:keep, keep,keep it up

Team: keep, keep, keep it up

One person: keep that (team name) spirit up

team: keep that (team name) spirit up

GOOOOOOO (team name)!

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Q: What are some good tennis chants?
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What are some good chants for track and field?

Hey Hey You get out of our way Today is the day We will put you away!

When were most chants created during the Middle Ages?

Most of the chants were created during the Early Middle Ages. The best known chants today are the Gregorian chants, which were compiled according to the wishes of Pope Gregory I, who was pope from 590 to 604. The consensus of musicologists may be that the chants date from after the year 300. I have seen some disagreement on this, and there have been some important authors who have expressed the view that they were much older than that.

What is a homonym for chants?

A homonym for "chants" is "chants." Homonyms are words that sound the same but have different meanings.

Is it good that some sports can be played unisex?

Yes! it is good. Unisex tennis can be very entertaining!

What are some good gift ideas for a beginner tennis player?

A new tennis player can use a racquet, a sleeve of tennis balls, a gift certificate for some lessons, a tennis outfit, and more. Even some rented time on a court with an opponent to practice and play is a great idea!

Are Gergorian chants monophonic?

Gregorian chants are monophonic. Gergorian chants are no longer written as they were long ago.

What are good tennis mangas?

Prince of Tennis!

Where can one find tutorial videos for tennis serves?

There are a number of online sources for videos of tennis serves. Some good places to look include YouTube, Active, Full Swing, Tennis Mindgame, and Optimum Tennis.

What is Jazz chants on a diet?

whai is jazz chants on a diet

When was Chants d'Épuration created?

Chants d'Épuration was created in 2003.

When was Christmas Chants created?

Christmas Chants was created in 2006.

What is a website that sells table tennis equipment?

There is a website where table tennis equipment can be bought at Here, they offer some replacement nets for table tennis nets that have been lost at good prices.