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Q: How did they measure time in olden days?
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How do people measure time in olden days?

they used sun dials

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balance machine

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There is no definitive answer to this question, as the color of grass has likely remained relatively consistent over time, varying between shades of green depending on factors like climate and environment.

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yes they did have needles in the olden days

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How are sundials useful?

In olden days, they allowed people to tell the time.

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Which "olden days?" That could mean any time period from the mid-late 20th century back to Neolithic times.

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Please define "olden days". The answer could be everything from by foot to railroad. Makes a difference about the time. I would say either trading or by food or ship of by railroads...

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In the olden days what did they wear?

they wear loads of types of clothes in the olden days including sweatshirts.