Olden day ships move by the wind, the wind pushes the sail and it goes to the direction the wind is going.
in a crate
In the olden days ships used masts , today they use engines.
In the olden days ships used masts , today they use engines.
Please rewrite. Tell us what you mean by " olden times". That could be 20 years ago to a 1000 years ago.
yes they did have needles in the olden days
what were shops like in the olden days
Please define "olden days" because each time had different things. To some people 1950 is the "olden days".
Why was an oasis surrounded by a wall in the olden days
he helped people in the olden days move west easier
To move around busily and excitedly , or a frame holding a woman's skirt out in olden days.
Discuss the purification methods used in the olden days
what did thety wash their clothes with back in the olden days