

How did paintball start?

Updated: 10/25/2022
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11y ago

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The origins of paintball can be traced to the 1970s with the paintball marker used to mark trees and cattle. The first paintball game was played in New Hampshire in June, 1981 by Bob Gurnsey, Hayes Noel, Charles Gaines, and nine others. From there, the sport began to popularize quickly. The first recreational paintball field opened up in 1982. In 1983, the first tournament was held, with a grand prize of $14,000. The next year, 1984, saw the first indoor paintball field. In the late 80s, paintball fields began to appear in England and Canada. By 1991, fields were opening throughout Europe. In 1992, the National Professional Paintball League (NPPL) was founded and began hosting highly-publicized tournaments offering hundreds of thousands of dollars in prizes. By 1996, paintball fields and tournaments were being established and hosted all around the world. Paintball today is played by over 9.8 million people worldwide, according to the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association International, making it the number 3 Extreme Sport behind in-line skating and Skateboarding.

just a lil side note, the first paintball gun is the Nelspot 007

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11y ago

Paintball guns were originally invented for the logging industry to mark trees, and to mark cattle.

They were originally invented in the late 1970s. The very first paintball game was played in 1981 by twelve friends in a 100acre field in New Hampshire, USA, using Nelson brand industrial paintball guns and no safety equipment.

The first people to see the use of industrial marking paintball guns were Charles Gaines, Hayes Noel and Bob Gurnsey.
Paintball originally started to mark trees in the woods. The balls unlike today where much harder due to the fact that they where just suppose to break on trees. This later evolved into a game.

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You can start playing paintball at 11, so starting a team before you've even played is not wise.

What age should you start paintball?

About 11 or 12

How did paint ball start?

Paintball started within the farming community where famers used the paintball guns to mark cattle.

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Watch the related link: "Starting a new paintball team". From Mike @ TechPB.

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There is no way of really knowing because more and more people start to play paintball each day.

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No. Paintball is not to huge in middle school, and gerneally more teens start playing when they hit age 14. It is common to have a paintball "club" in high school. There is even a high school league for paintball.

How do you start a team?

You can start a recreational team with your friends or at a club or any gathering that are interested in paintball (like online paintball forums). However, if you want to have a sponsor, you will have to register with a company and see if they are willing to sponsor you.

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I'm not sure if they ever officially started using paintball for training, but units were using paintball gear they bought with their own money since paintball was available.

Is 9years old a good age to start paintball?

No, you must be atleast 11.

How old should you be to start playing paintball?

The paintball fields will say a minimum age of 13, sometime 16 even 18!!! but if you are over 13 you should be good :)

Is airsoft more popular than paintball?

No, paintball is more commonly known and is more popular. The last person was correct but I'll give a more detailed answer. Paintball is more popular than Airsoft but more young kids play Airsoft because it's not as dangerous. Paintball players normally start at around 13 while Airsoft players normally start around 11. Airsoft is something that you can do in the back yard, while Paintball is something you normally need to go to a place that hosts Paintball games for.

Do you need qualifications to start a paintball business?

You need insurance, properly zoned land and a lot of start up capital.