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You can tag that runner with a glove or hand holding the ball, while the runner is not standing on a base.

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Q: How can you successfully get an un-forced base runner out?
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What is a lead runner?

The lead runner is the runner at the base closest to home plate when there is more than one runner on base. If there are runners on second base and third base, the runner on third base is the lead runner. If there are runners on first and second, the runner on second is the lead runner. If there is only one runner on base, there is no lead runner.

Is a base runner out if he passes another base runner?


What does base mean in softball?

bases loaded means that there is a runner on 1st base, a runner on 2nd base, and a runner on 3rd base, all of the bases.

When a base runner passes another runner he is out what happens to the runner he passed Is he out or continues to run to the next base?

The player who passed another on the base paths is out, the runner that was passed can continue to run to the next base.

If a runner has to return to a base on a caught flyball is that a force out?

Yes. The fielder covering the base does NOT have to tag the runner. The runner is forced out when the fielder steps on the base before the runner can make it back. Got that.

What does loaded bases in softball mean?

bases loaded means that there is a runner on 1st base, a runner on 2nd base, and a runner on 3rd base, all of the bases.

What happens if a base runner leaves the base or is standing off the base and the pitcher releases the ball in softball?

runner is out

When must a base runner be tagged in softball?

When there isn't a runner behind them forcing them to run. For example, if a runner is on 2nd base but there is no one on 1st base, the runner must be tagged on their way to 3rd in order to get them out. However, if there IS a runner on 1st, the 3rd baseman can simply touch the base because it is a force out.

What does ''advance the runner'' mean?

In baseball "advance the runner" is a term used to say get a runner on base to move forward to another base.

If the baseball hits the base first and then the runner is the runner out?


Does the runner have to be tagged out?

no, you can tag the runner to get him out or on a play where the runner is forced to run you can step on the base he is running to.

What happens if a runner touches or interferes with a active ball?

If the runner is standing on a base, nothing happens; the ball is live. If the runner is not standing on a base, the ball is declared dead and the runner is out.