

Best Answer

check if it bounces, if not its flat! hope I helped

second answer:

If you put pressure on it with your feet or fingers, the ball should give in a little, but not much. Another way you can test it is if you raise the ball to your head, then drop it on firm grass, the ball should bounce back up around half your height.

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Q: How can i test if my soccer ball is pumped up enough?
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Young soccer player tips?

learn how to slide tackle the ball before you hit the person. kick a ball against a wall and test your aiming with the soccer ball. If you call it soccer you should go play handegg instead.

What is the scientific method of a temperature of the soccer ball?

To measure the temperature of a soccer ball using the scientific method, you would first define your question or purpose, such as "How does the temperature of a soccer ball change during play?" Next, form a hypothesis, design an experiment to test it (e.g., using a thermometer to measure the ball's temperature before and after play), collect and analyze data, and draw a conclusion based on the results. The scientific method helps ensure a systematic and objective approach to investigating the temperature of the soccer ball.

How do they test the Soccer Ball?

they get people o kick it around and if they think its not good enough, they fix it up. they either put more or less atmospheric pressure. the rule is that it must be 0.6 to 1.1 atmospheric pressure. That's what it says in the rule book.

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nobody knows if you just test it out you'rself and see

What is drop ball test?

A drop ball test is a method used to assess the resiliency of sports balls, particularly soccer and rugby balls. The test involves dropping the ball from a specified height onto a hard surface and measuring the rebound height to determine its bounce characteristics. This test helps ensure that balls meet certain standards for quality and performance.

How much air does it take to blow up a soccer ball?

Test it like this: Hold the ball as high as your arm will reach without lifting your toes. Then, let it do a fall with no acceleration. If the ball reaches your head with the first bounce it is fully blown up.

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What drugs do they look for in a sports drug test?

sports enhancing drugs which can make you more pumped and help you hit the ball puck fight better etc....

Why does pumping a soccer ball with an air pump increase the pressure inside the ball?

Pumping air into the soccer ball increases the number of air molecules inside the ball, which creates more collisions with the ball's walls. This increase in collisions results in higher pressure inside the ball.

How do you use past and passed in one sentence?

I passed my driving test last week, so now I have a past experience of taking the test.

Is there a test to see if you're a soccer player?

There are tests to see if you're a GOOD soccer player, but it's your choice whether or not you're a soccer player.

How far does a usual soccer ball go when you kick it?

It depends on how strong u are, i have a project on this, and when i tested it, usually u kick it half field. If your stronger, u can kick it more then half. I am a girl, so i am weaker then a boy. If you have the time, test it with 2 soccer balls. Its easier. Kick hard.....have fun!