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It varies from school to school. I know that it cannot be bigger then 200 down the lines and 220 in the middle, but im not sure one what the smallest is. My high school field was 190 down the lines and 200 in center.

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16y ago
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15y ago

In fastpitch softball, the bases are 60 feet apart from the next. The pitcher's rubber is 40 feet from home plate in high school and ages 12U to18U. In 10U, the rubber is 35 feet. In 18U Gold and College, the rubber is 43 feet from home plate. Our high school field's fence is 210 feet, but this number varies.

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13y ago

Bases are at 60 feet. Pitching rubber is at 35 feet and there is no standard on field length but they are typically around 200 feet.

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15y ago

the biggest fastpitch softball is 12 in.

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Q: How big a girls softball field?
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How far away are the bases on a girls softball field?

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How many girls softball players on a field?

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Who uses a softball?

girls or men who play softball

ASA softball field layout?

Softball Field LayoutA softball field is the same as a baseball field. They're practically the same sport. They have a few minor differences like how they pitch and how big the ball is, but they're almost the same. The fields are different because unlike a baseball field, a softball field has no grass in the infield. the softball field mound will be closer than a baseball field mound.the softball field is in a diamond shape with 3bases and a home plate at the corner inside the diamond is all sand and behind the bases there is also some sand after the sand there is an outfield which is all grass.there is also 2 fowl line that go from the left and right side corners of the home plate to the fence in the outfield (usually).-k1956

When was Vienna Girls Softball League created?

Vienna Girls Softball League was created in 1965.

What is the court of softball?

Softball is played on a softball field or it is often referred to as a diamond.

What sports can girls play with out guys?

Volleyball, lacrosse, basketball, softball, field hockey, hockey, and barrel racing are all sports girls can participate in without guys.

Seventy girls play soccer in the fall and sixty girls play softball in spring Forty-five girls play both how many girls play soccer softball or both?

130 girls play softball, soccer, or both