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In the early 1800's Basketball used to be played by releasing two teams of slaves and misc. farm animals in a pen that was 35sq ft. The participants would then chase each other in circles shouting various oaths and throwing mutilated swine feet at the other team. Then in 1872, the Americans added more depth and strategy to the game known at the time simple as "Sowball" (not to be confused with snowball). They did this by writing a set of rules and regulations that prevented the players from killing each other, a strategy that was very effective in the past. A "referee" simply known as "the man" would use various hand signals to tell the players that they were being very naughty, and if the players didn't straighten up, they were escorted out of the playing area by a giant bald man in a leotard. He would grab the guilty player by the hair, and throw them across the field as far as he could. If the player continued this misbehavior, the player was beaten by his teammates. Also, a scoring system was added, but it made little sense to the general public, and only a select few fans actually understood what was going on.

In 1873, a more simple scoring system was created that allowed the general public to fully understand what was going on. Points were scored by sprinting at the other team with your arms in the air, and screaming the words "I WANT YOUR BABIES" constantly, and beating their heads in with a discus. This form of Basketball was changed, however, when more players died per game than could be replaced. Soon fans began to tire of the monotonous slaughter, and began to read, and discover things, and make advances in scientific research. The leaders of the National Beastality Association, or the NBA, began to fear that they were losing their audience to the progress of humankind. A meeting was held by the representatives of the teams, and after 16 barrels of whisky, a verdict was decided. The NBA would change the rules of sowball around a bit. They thought in their drunken stupor that people would be interested in watching other people walk across a floor in tight clothing and bouncing a ball around, occasionally throwing it into a basket. The name was changed to basketball, and is still played the same way today. Also, Michael Jordan was an alien.

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12y ago
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13y ago
How Basketball has Changed Over the YearsBasketball has changed dramatically from when it was first invented by James Naismith in 1891.

Here are some of the ways it has changed:

  • There are many more rules. It originally had 13.
  • The baskets are not peach baskets like they were in the beginning. Now the basket includes a rim, a net, and a backboard.
  • The ball is a basketball, and not a soccer ball.
  • The number of players was changed. Originally there were 9 people on the court, 3 guards, 3 centers, and 3 forwards. Now there are five.
  • Naismith had a janitor get the ball every time a basket was made.
  • These days almost every American school has a girl's basketball team and a boy's basketball team. Many schools have different levels and grades.
  • The three point line was invented.
  • The "three second" rule was added.
  • The shot-blocking rule was added.
  • The players uniforms have changed from really short shorts to like, almost pants.
  • The arc below the basket in the key is added for charges
  • Many stats like technical fouls were recorded as official stats
  • And originally you couldn't move with the ball or it would be traveling. Eventually people started dropping the ball to be able to move with it and dribbling was invented
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