When the ball hits the floor on the opposite side of the net(while still in the vb court) you get a point, then you can serve. When the ball hits the floor on your side of the net, the other team gets a point and gets to serve.
To score Points in volleyball!!
1. The ball lands on the other teams side after you hit it over.
2. or it lands on the other teams side after they miss the ball when it is on the side while it is in play.
3. Another way to score points in volleyball is when the other team is At Fault whether it is hitting the net, on the net, over the net, to over when serving, under the net, more than 3 hits
Up to 14 in USAV Volleyball. It may depend on what organization you are playing with, though.
what year is volleyball made what do they use what is they history
Too many to mention perhaps, but I made lots of friends while playing beach volleyball, blindman's buff, twister, mikado, tumblin' monkeys, scrabble, and drawing caricatures.
An indoor volleyball is usually made out of synthetic leather that is good for hitting even surfaces, like a gym floor. The inside is pumped full with air. An outdoor, professional, or game volleyball is usually made out of real leather that is harder than the synthetic leather. This is also filled with air. Both volleyballs have cut panels of either synthetic leather or real leather that is stitched very tightly so that no air will escape.
Here are some differences:Beach volleyball typically has 2 players per side, while standard volleyball has 6 players per side.Standard volleyballs are made of leather and are heavier than beach volleyballs.Indoor courts are larger than outdoor courts.In standard volleyball, a match is 5 sets or games.In beach volleyball, a match is the best of 3 games.
Men's and Women's indoor volleyball, and beach volleyball men's and women's
Because Volleyball Is An American Sport. (made in america)
Volleyball was invented in 1895 by William G Morgan in Holyoke, Mass.
I think it is made out of pig skin
United state
Its bladder