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Q: How are blue giants formed?
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Related questions

What year were the giants formed?

The Giants were formed and became a member of the NFL in 1925.

Are red giants or blue giants bigger?

Generally red giants are bigger, but really it has more to do with how hot they burn. Blue giants burn hotter and have more mass.

What stars die out the quickest?

Blue Giants or Super Giants

What are the giants colors?

Blue/Dark Blue and Red

Where in the life of a star does a blue giant belong?

I don't know about blue giants, but red giants are at the end of a star's life.

Why is the color orange and blue for the mets?

dodger blue and giants orange

When was the New York Giants formed?

ages ago

What year was the New York Giants formed?


What are the two planets that are blue giants?

Blue Giants refers to super heavy blue stars such as Bellatrix.Planets are divided into 3 main types :-Gas Giants such as Jupiter and Saturn. Ice Giantssuch as Neptune and Uranus. Terestrial planets such as Earth, Mars, Venus and Mercury.I believe what u refer to is Ice giants. Both Neptune and Uranus have a blue green appearance

What does the Mets logo Blue stand for?

If Dodgers Blue is Pantone 294 then Mets Blue is Pantone 294.

Are blue whales fierce?

No, they are gentle giants.

What kind of color blue is New York Giants?

Dark royal blue