The Mets dynasty logo stands for:Dynasty symbol from the levits the 12th tribe in the bible the soldiers of warfare for God in the book of numbers in the old testament
The logo has been affiliated with the Mets since their inception on July 27, 1959 The cap logo is identical to the logo used by the New York Giants in their final years, and is on a blue cap reminiscent of the caps worn by the Brooklyn Dodgers.
The mets logo is a orange N with and orange Y starting in the middle of it.
The Mets logo came from the New York Giants in the 1960's when the Giants moved to San Fransisco and there logo stayed
the "BLUE BLANC ROUGE" stand for the colors of the french revolutions when they were in quebec before WW1.
Blue Eye Technologies have a logo that is a blue eye.
the rings in the olympics logo are yellow, green, blue and black because at least one of those colors are on every flag in the whole world.
The Mets logo is not a font but custom lettering. However, the fonts Ballpark, Lobster, and marketing are very similar.
Employee Association Logo
The blue cloud logo belongs to Skype
Barclays uses a blue eagle as their logo.
What is the logo that ends in the letter B that blue