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Q: Hockey - How are the defensive scores calculated?
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What is a pig trick in hockey?

In ice hockey, when a player scores four goals in one game.

What are the positive and negative in hockey for PIM?

You get a "+1" for being on the ice when your team scores and a "-1" when your on the ice when the opposing team scores

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What do you call it when a hockey player scores three goals in a game?

A hat-trick

How tall should your hockey stick be?

Offensive: To your chin on skates Defensive: To your nose on skates

Convert air force ASVAB scores into army?

This can only be done with the RAW scores, if it has been calculated to the individual Service's scores, it cannot be converted

When the other team scores no goals in ice hockey?

then it's a shootout for the winning team

How are cricket scores calculated?

Cricket scores are calculated using a math formula called the Duckworth-Lewis method. Rather than a straight scoring method, cricket scores rely on this formula to determine the target score. It has many critics.

When does a shootout apply in a hockey game?

a hockey game shootout starts at the end of a game ends in a tie they go overtime(who ever scores first) then go on breakways (shootout) a hockey game shootout starts at the end of a game ends in a tie they go overtime(who ever scores first) then go on breakways (shootout)

How often does the hockey team that scores the first goal win the game?

more than half

What is it called when a hockey player scores 5 goals in one game?

Well, If a player scores 3 goals it is called a hat trick but i dont believe theres any special term for scoring 5 goals other than that hockey player is super good.

what is hockey and what does it do?

Hockey is a team sport where the goal is to use your stick to get the puck into the opposing team's net. There are both offensive and defensive players involved; as well as a goalie guarding each of the two nets.