I'm assuming your talking All-Star here so here are the rules and some ideas. You can NOT go above prep(chin) level. One-legged stunts are not allowed at prep level. Tosses are NOT allowed. Do lots of preps with hitches or cupies. Do one-footed stunts at thigh stand level.
to advance in cheerleading, it would be good to master at least a thigh stand, an elevator, and a cradle. a push up extended would be helpful, too. when that is mastered, you can move on to straight up extended and cradle from extended. when that is mastered, you can move on to the advanced stunts.
you can google it put in cheerleading in__________ put in what every state you live in a really good website for cheers and chants and learning stunts and stuff is www.cheerwiz.com
In cheerleading you can always get hurt considering all you do. It is a dangerous sport period. As you get older and get into more difficult stunts and routines, the risk of getting hurt increases. This is why you need a good coach that knows what their doing!
Always smile and look happy, try your hardest, lift strong, fight for your stunts, keep motions tight, point your toes in your jumps, have fun!
cheerleading is always more dangerous than tumbling ! you can hurt yourself in tumbling but many girls can die in cheerleading itself because of stunts and other activity. (cheerleaders can get dropped from up to 20feet in he air !) *college* but high and middle school is dangerous as well ! (more than tumbling)
Ah, that is a very common misconception. Honestly, it really depends on the type of cheerleading (highschool or competetive) and the skill level. The competetive cheerleading teams tend to be a skillful mix of dancing and tumbling, but tend to be more related to gymnastics than dance because their routines have many difficult tumbling passes, jumps that are not included in dance, and individual tumbling skills. Highschool cheerleading tends to be more related to dance than gymnastics because most of the girls in the highschool level tend to be far less experienced. Generally speaking though, most mediocre cheerleading is a good half dance galf gymnastics. But the skill level can vairy widely from school to school. For example, the cheerleaders at my school don't even include any gymnastics in their routines because all of the girls are very inexperienced. But my cousin's highschool cheerleaders are at a competetion level. So all in all, you can't catagorize cheerleading as half dance half gymnastics, but then again you can.
In cheerleading, many stunts involve kinetic friction. For example, take the basket toss. When I flier falls back into their basket, their is a kinetic friction between her and the arms catching her. This, along with the distribution of their downward force through the catchers, helps slow the flier to a stop. Another example is in coed partner stunts. When the base tosses his flier, there must be kinetic friction between the the two (on hands, wrists and waist) especially during the flick.
boys are important because they can life up a girl by themselves and make really solid partner stunts. They are often good at tumbling and boys on a competition team will make it easier for more stuntgroups
spirit fever is a great cheerleading game
cheerleading IS a deadly sport. This is because of the way girls are thrown up in the air, the way they move, the way they catch/way they're caught. Say you were doing a full twisting layout and landed on your head YOU COULD DIE. Say you fell from a super hard stunt and you fall and isn't catch. So yeah it is deadly, and it is the 2nd most dangerous sport in the world so YES its also a sport. I disagree with the above answer. Cheerleading does involve some seemingly "death-defying" stunts. However, good cheerleaders are taught the correct way to perform those stunts and how to do them to minimize injuries. Just like in any other sport, injuries and accidents can occur. As a former cheerleader and current coach, I have seen and experienced a multitude of bumps and bruises, but it's all a part of what we do and what we love. Football players take the big hits and shrug them off; cheerleaders do the same, but without the benefit of helmets. Overall, while some stunts cheerleaders do may seem dangerous, proper training and instruction make them relatively safe to perform, no matter what the setting. Yes cheerleading is sooo deadly u can die from falling from the pirimids they do and other stunts too
Cheerleading stunts are more phsysics. The bases need to use basic principles like leverage to lift the weight of the flyer. The flyer needs to use principles related to balance to keep herself in the air.