thank you so much for emailing me can you pease send me another one and i think the thing to be a good a shooting is practice thanks love mezz
try to pass the ball around the side of the goal keeper keep passing it back out to the Wing defence and centre.
make sure that your players are really good
They're called tips...
hi, well i play GK for school and in my Netball team, and what my coaches always nag me about is not letting them push u when the umpires not looking. Stick to your ground! My trick for GK is: when they move back you stop them with your body and then sneakily move round to the side of them so you can get balls in front as well as behind!hope this helped !
The role of coach in a netball team is to create better players and teams. They are in charge of everything from establishing training and training times to keeping players up-to-date on any netball-related news or games in their area.
You can go to and go to the Texas blog. There are several tips on there for passing the Texas driving test and a whole lot of general saftey tips. This would be a very good site for your daughter to get some general knowledge and read about other peoples experience.
the sign is one hand pointing directly up and the other hand resting on the tips of your fingers so its shaped as a T
i'm not sure if i no wot you mean but if you mean steps to takpart ina netball gamethen here goes... you should ask around in your school andsee f there is any teams that are up and need a few subs, if you go to school.
A Good Thief Tips His Hat was created in 1999.
Well, the chimps on the PG Tips advert made a lot of money.
Pay attention and study.