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It's fun You can get fit And... you will be playing a team sport.

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Q: Give you A Good Reason To Start netball?
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Is there any good netball cheers?

Y,ou might be good at basketball you might be good at track, but when it comes to netball you might as well step back!

Where can you measure 3 feet on a netball court?

The centre circle of a netball court is 3 feet. If you stand with your feet on one side and another player on the other side directly opposite you, it will give you a good indication the distance you have to stand

How do you start a petition for any subject?

to start a petition you need an idea and a good reason.

What are some good examples of gamesmanship in netball?

have a good state of mind :)

What is koufball?

Opinion 1) Koufball is a sport between basketball and netball and is fun!Opinion 2) Koufball is a sport between basketball and netball and it is really fun!Opinion 3)Koufball is a sport between basketball and netball and is real fun! ( I play Koufball)HINT: If you don't play Koufball why don't you give it a try? ITS REALLY FUN!!!!! You never know, you could be a PRO! If you do give it a try, GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!

Is there a netball prayer?

None in particular, but praying is good :)

What is considered a good shot percentage in netball?

80 %

Why are boys so rubbish at netball?

Almost none play it. Those that do often are quite good. I'm a boy of 13 and I play netball. I'm not good at it and I get very frustrated when the girls I play against won't play properly, but just do things to tease me like playing keep-away with the ball to make me hot and bothered. The girl who asked this question is probably a lot like that. Why can't you stop teasing the few netball boys there are and give us a chance to get as good as you?

What age can a girl start netball umpiring?

well i think u have to be 12. my niece is 12 and she is looking in to be a netball coach. she says that u can be 12. well good luck in ur job as a netball coach xxx

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To give kids a reason to be good.

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No, not unless they have a good reason.

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No, False