Wear your teams uniform and if you have a netball it would be a good idea to take that also so you can practise before hand. It is also a good idea to take a water bottle and some snacks to eat when you are off.
Hi Are you talking about the sport Netball? If so... it doesn't have a height. If not, try researching some more! Are you talking about a netball ball?
I think you need to learn some proper English before you start playing netball
Yes you can play in mixed teams in netball. Some people think netball is just for girls...but its not its for both girls and boys.
Because idiots need some one to make feel bad it makes them feel good.
It is simply "netball" and is masculine so if you wanted to say "I like netball" you would say "J'aime le netball." It isn't a common sport in France but some do play it 'netball' is called the same in French - but this is a totally unknown sport in France.
There are several good examples of incontrovertible systems. A good examples of incontrovertible systems should be camera systems, or recorded systems.
There are many examples of keyboarding software available online. Some good examples include, eduTyping, TypingWeb, NorthCanton, Broderbund and KeyBlaze by NCH Software.
:) ello
There are many good examples of industrial enclosure. One of these examples is when commoners are allowed to graze their livestock when there is no crops being grown.
North Korea and Cuba are good examples of command economies.