The Football Factory is an English film that deals with English soccer fan hooliganism that was so prevalent in the early to mid 2000s. The film was released in 2004. It was directed by Nick Love.
The great escape
English football ties are English football matches
The duration of The Football Factory - film - is 1.52 hours.
English Football
The Football Factory - film - was created on 2004-05-14.
football as in english
The film Green Street was released in the year 2005. The film Green Street is an independent drama film about football. Another name for the film is Football Hooligans. This film is popular in several countries.
Un film en anglais in French means "a film in English" in English.
It is called a kick-off in English football.
when were subs first used in English football
The English football league that Dover is in is the Dover Athletic.