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Part of the ball has to clear the plane in order to score a touchdown.

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Q: Does the ball or a part of the ball carriers body have to pass over pylon of end zone to score a touchdown?
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What is the rule for a touchdown in the NFL?

The NFL set precedence on December 14, 2008 on what a touchdown reception is. Typically, it is when any part of the ball, legally in possession of a player inbounds, breaks the plane of the opponent's goal line, provided it is not a touchback or when the ball is touched on the pylon before a player goes out of bounds. Apparently, now, it is when the players feet are both in the end zone and the ball is in their possession, but does not break the plane of the opponent's goal line. According to a Google search, the rule regarding pylon touchdown dives was revisited and clarified. Previously, a player just had to have some portion of his body over the goal line or pylon to count a touchdown, but the rule was revised for 2007 to make it necessary to have the ball touch the pylon or break the plane above the pylon to count as a touchdown.

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Why is an NFL goal line pylon out of bounds?

The goal line is marked inbounds, but extends beyond the in bounds line. The pylon is the point at which the goal line is out of bounds. It is used by the sideline officials (usually deep wings: FG & SG) to determine when a touchdown is scored or not on plays that are at made at one of the four corners of the endzone. In the NFL, the ball has to be inside the pylon when running into the endzone to be considered a touchdown. In the NCAA starting this year (2012), and part of the player can touch the pylon and as long as the ball is inside the goal line extended (extending into the out of bounds area), to be considered a touchdown. In high school, the ball has to cross the goal line extended to be considered a touchdown.

Where did the term touchdown come from?

In the first days of football when a ball carrier crossed the goal line he would touch the ball to the ground. The touching of the ball to the ground for the score was called a "TOUCHDOWN". This rule still applies in rugby, where a player doesn't score unless he touches the ball to the ground.

Where did the word touchdown come from?

football is the child of rugby. When you score in rugby you would have to touch the ball down to the ground, hence the word touchdown.

Do you need two feet in bounds to score a touchdown?

No. Only the point of the ball has to cross into the endzone to be concidered a touchdown, assuming the player has possesion of the ball. If the player catches the ball in the end zone, then yes, he has to get both feet down for the score to count. It's no different from the requirement to get both feet down for a completion on any other part of the field. In college and Canadian football, however, a player is only required to have one foot down for completions and touchdowns.

In football what does a offense do?

they help get the ball across the feild and to score a touchdown. they must block the oncoming defenders from tackling the quarterback.

What are the different ways to score a touchdown?

Foreward lateral pass from quarterback to receiver for the touchdown, rush play from the fullback or halfback for the score, quarterback scramble or sneak for the score, defensive interception ran back for the score (pick 6), fumble recovery for the score. Perhaps a safety? Sacking the quarterback or tackling the ball carrier in their own endzone for the score. I think I've got them all.

What are two ways besides a touchdown and a feildgoal to score points ina football game?

Safety (tackling the ball carrier while being in his own endzone) and PAT (Point After Touchdown), I think.

What is the objective of gaming legislation?

The objective of the game is to be the team to score the most points between 2 teams. You score by passing for a touchdown, running for a touchdown (both offense), interception return for a touchdown(defense) fumble recovery return touchdown (defense) safety (defense, the defense sacks the quarterback or tackles the ballcarrier in their own endzone) field goal (special teams, a kicker kicks the ball through the goalposts) extra point (kicker kicks ball through goalposts after a touchdown).

If a NFL player goes out of bounds are they out of the play?

According to referee Ed Hochuli who is quoted in the article that you can read at the 'Touchdown or No Touchdown' link below, a player who crosses out of bounds is awarded a touchdown if a part of his body touches in the end zone, or the pylon, after the ball crosses the 'imaginary' goal line outside the pylons. I interpret the question to ask if a player lands completely out of bounds but the ball crosses the 'imaginary' goal line outside the pylon, is it a touchdown? The way I understand what I read, the answer is no since no part of the player touched inbounds. Click on the 'Touchdown or No Touchdown' link to read the article and weigh in with your opinions. If I'm understanding your question right, you're asking about the hypothetical goal line that "travels around the world" indefinitely out of bounds. The NFL just changed this rule for the 2008 season, so that the extended goal line no longer exists. The player must now break the plane of the goal line within the field of play, or press the ball against the corner pylon, for the touchdown to count.

How long is a football in play?

how ever long until the ball becomes dead: -hits the ground -goes out of bounds -fumble/fumble recovery -sack -ball carrier tackled -touchdown it also usually depends on where in the field you are and trying to score a touchdown from that spot.