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Safety (tackling the ball carrier while being in his own endzone) and PAT (Point After Touchdown), I think.

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Q: What are two ways besides a touchdown and a feildgoal to score points ina football game?
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Related questions

What is a touchdown in football?

6 points

What are six points in football called?


How many points do high school football touchdowns get?

A touchdown in highschool football is worth 6 points.

What is the difference between a touchdown and an extra point in football?

touchdown = 6 points extra point is 1 point but comes after a touchdown

What is a TD in football?

A "TD" in football is a "touchdown" and is worth 6 points. Following a TD, a team has an opportunity to score a "PAT," or point after touchdown. This can be a kick for one point, or a run for two points.

Touchdowns are worth how many points?

A touchdown is worth six points in American football.

Rules on scorekeeping for football?

Touchdown - 6 points Extra Point (Point after touchdown) - 1 point Two Point Conversion (after touchdown) - 2 points Field Goal - 3 point Safety - 2 points

In Canadian football how many points does a team get for a touchdown?

In both Canadian and American football as touchdown gets the team two points. In Canadian football the field is larger and the team has twelve players instead of the American team that has eleven.

How many points is a touchdown worth in ultimate football?

A "touchdown" or "goal" is considered one point in Ultimate Frisbee. Games are commonly played up to thirteen points.

What is 6 P for a TD in AF?

6 points for touchdown in American football

6 equals P for a T?

6 Points for a Touchdown (in American Football)

What does football have to do with math?

very little besides for keeping score. 6 points for a touchdown 1 point for a field goal as an extra point (after a touchdown) 2 points for either a safety or for passing or running the ball into the endzone as an extra point 3 points for a field goal (not as an extra point) whenever any of the above are achieved, you simply add it to the existing score of the team who achieved it. And that's all that math has to do with football. Simple addition very little besides for keeping score. 6 points for a touchdown 1 point for a field goal as an extra point (after a touchdown) 2 points for either a safety or for passing or running the ball into the endzone as an extra point 3 points for a field goal (not as an extra point) whenever any of the above are achieved, you simply add it to the existing score of the team who achieved it. And that's all that math has to do with football. Simple addition