Yes, it lets you shoot faster, because of the lighter trigger pull, which only has to press a switch instead of tripping a sear.
Without an e trigger or responce trigger it will only shoot semi automatically.
Yes, if it is a semi-automatic. Semi-autos will fire as fast as you can pull the trigger until the magazine is empty or until you stop pulling the trigger.
no, semi auto. you can shoot as fast as you can pull the trigger
You can either upgrade your gun to an electric gun, or you can shorten the trigger pull and walk the trigger. You can not do modes such as automatic, ramping or 3 shot burst. You can still shoot fast though.
It is a semi-auto pistol. Fires one shot per pull of the trigger. It is not a machinegun.
A semi-automatic Tec-9 fires one shot for each pull of the trigger. The faster your finger pulls the trigger, the faster it shoots. If you're not concerned with accuracy, you might be able to shoot 4 or 5 rounds per second. The fully automatic (machinegun or submachinegun) version of the Tec-9 would fire about 800 to 900 rounds per minute. These guns are known as the KG-9 and MP-9 also.
The response trigger is a Tippmann trigger modification that allows you to use the excess CO2 from your marker (This is also how the cyclone feed works) to reset your trigger faster than the spring normally could, allowing you to shoot faster. It also allows you to hold it down in the "sweet spot" where it is automatically returning to where your finger holds it and will shoot fully automatically until you release the trigger. You cannot however hold down the trigger all the way back, as this will block the reset cylinder and cause only one shot.
yes, with the e-trigger you will able to shoot: semi, burst and full auto
There are basically four things you can do. First is to replace the trigger spring with a lighter spring (like from a pen) to make the trigger pull easier. Second is to buy a double trigger, which may slightly increase your rate of fire, but not by much. Third is to purchase a response trigger, which uses excess Co2 from the Tippmann (which is automatically wasted after each shot) to reset the trigger faster than a spring. It will make the pull heavier, but allow you to shoot fully automatically if you place your finger where it sets, and resets. Last is the E-trigger, an electric solenoid and board that takes out the mechanical link from trigger to sear, and allows you to shoot semi, burst, and full auto. It runs on battery, makes the pull incredibly lighter, and must be turned off after every game, to preserve battery life, because without a battery, your gun will no longer function.
Yes but you are going to have to get an E-trigger and it is well known for chopping paintballs unless you get some eyes and a decent hopper.
according to recent studies they both share similar traits althugh a semi automatic shoots a certain number of rounds per trigger, so if you use a semi atomatic AK47_u and clikc the trigger it should shoot 50 bullets per trigger. although in an automatic once the trigger is pulled the whole clip or even belt if used shld be emptied until you decide to let go of the trigger.
No, the marker will be able to shoot rapidly without an aftermarket trigger, although if you find the trigger pull stiffer than you wanted, you can exchange the spring for the trigger with a pen spring. A light trigger pull will allow you to "walk" the trigger, which basically means you pull the trigger with two fingers (one at a time), to reach full auto- like rates of fire.