well, I do not think it matters. because ,take me as an example, I even cannot tell the difference between mens Basketball shoes and womens basketball shoes.
Mens basketball shoes can be bought in several locations. All of the popular sport equipment companies such as Nike and Reebok have a market for basketball shoes for men. Also warehouses and stores such a Walmart provide them.
A size 5 mens shoe.
everything is the same except the three point line is farther away in mens basketball
the Australian mens basketball team is called the boomers the Australian mens basketball team is called the boomers
20 to 22 ounces and 29.5 to 30 inches in circumference for mens basketball.
Al Wahda Damascus Mens Basketball Team was created in 1928.
The Wilson Soultion
A boys Youth 6 converts to a Mens 6.
4.5 in mens
it depends if you ever see a girl do a 720 behind the back through the legs dunk, then yes. but until then stop asking stupid questions.