The same rules as in every country Soccer rules are defined by an international organization. for those who have never heard about it, this organization is called: FIFA
The answer to as which country started soccer remains a argumentative topic. There were many sports engaged in the past which show close similarity with the current soccer we play. According to my knowledge, China stands a highest chance of being the country where soccer started. They had a game which involved roughly the same way of play like soccer, except that they did not have a restriction to where the play field is, and that they did not have such rules and yellow and red card.
every one has the same amount of muscles it just depends on how big they are.
Soccer is played the same way in France as they have to follow F.I.F.A rules. its played like other countries play soccer. the rules of FIFA must be followed. if not, they are not a country who plays football.
The same as you play english football
Soccer and football r the same thing
EVERY soccer player because we are all the same from the inside #ILOVESOCCER
The same way all other sports do: by qualification.
In Milan at the same stadium as inter Milan.
Depends on where you play for this one. Professional soccer is pretty much the same for everywhere, but regular soccer differs around the world.
Same things you do. They play soccer a lot, go to soccer games, watch TV, go to movies, play computer games.
The same exact way we play it in the Americas except it is called football.