Football is the number one sports revunue generator on average for all colleges
It depends on which people you are talking about. You could say Michael Phelps (Olympic Swimmer) makes more money than a linebacker of a small college football league. But the average football player does make more money than an average swimmer.
yes. You must make the team first though.
He could play in another football league, or get a job. They may even go back to college.
a football cant make money everyone knows that
Speed, agility, how well you can catch the ball, how high you can jump(sometimes, just work on your vertical) and if you can make plays, especially big ones. And be able to catch the ball in traffic plus juke and spin against defenders. That sounds like alot, but this is what high school coaches, collage and pro look for. This is simple to do, just look up the workouts and run/jog around your neighborhood.
get a scholarship. True or you can just go to college and sign up for football. You will have to pay for your spot but its a way
football players make more money
No money becasue they would just be the top winning team
Probably a very high percentage I would say 90 to 100 percent. Colleges generally use football revenues to fund all the other sports programs that the colleges have. Many of the other sports colleges have don't get very high attendance but still give 20 - 25 scholarships have coaches, trainers, hotels, bus trips and equipment and is generally paid for by the 35000 - 80000 football fans on Saturday.
A college catalog can be a binding contract in Virginia if the college requires this. Not all colleges in Virginia make their college catalogs binding contracts.
you make the most money from football