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he sniffs smelling salts thay calm you down all most all the players use them

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Q: Does Tom Brady do drugs before a game?
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Who was quarterback before Tom Brady?

Drew Bledsoe was the Patriots starting QB before Tom Brady.

Who did the patriots play the week before Tom Brady became quarterback?

Tom Brady relieved Drew Bledsoe in a game against the New York Jets on September 23, 2001 at Foxboro, a game the Jets won 10-3. The following week Brady became the Patriots starter.

Did Tom Brady star in The Brady Bunch?

No. He was born after the Brady Bunch ended.

Can Tom Brady be on the bench during a game?

Yes he can.

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Tom Brady threw for 410 yards against Kansas City in 2002.

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Tom Brady has best every team but the New England Patriots.

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Tom brady's screen name?

Tom Brady is Tom Brady's screen name.