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Q: Do you remember when Bobby Boucher came back during half time and we won the Bourbon Bowl?
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Related questions

What was the character name Adam Sandler played in movie the water boy?

Robert 'Bobby' Boucher Jr.

What is the theme of waterboy?

The theme of "The Waterboy" revolves around personal growth, self-discovery, and overcoming adversity. The movie follows Bobby Boucher as he transforms from a socially awkward waterboy to a confident football player, highlighting the importance of believing in oneself and pursuing one's dreams.

What brand of hockey stick did Bobby Orr use?

I remember seeing him with a Northland at times.

Who were the musicians for the group Five Blind boys from Mississippi?

Bobby Jackson was their guiltar player whem he left the group he played for bobby blue bland. cannot remember the others

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bobby Jones

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bobby j

What was the episode of bobby's world where his friend died?

The episode was called "The Music". I remember watching it when it first aired and it was sad. :(

Who will win against Forrest Gump and Bobby Boucher?

That's a hard one. Both have college educations due to their participation in football. One a shrimp boat captian, the other a waterboy. And both loved their mama's. What is comes down to is personal choice, my choice is Gump.

Who cut Daryl Sitler on the forehead during the playoff series against the Flyers?

it was bobby clark...i know becuz my dad is friends with bobby clark

Is Bobby Lashley going to be in EA sports MMA?

Bobby Lashley does appear in EA Sports MMA.

Can you fly with a bong?

Yeah, if you get some good dro. Remember you don't want bobby brown, you want al green.

What was the end quote in Prayers for Bobby?

"Before you echo Amen in your home or place of worship think and remember a child is listening."