Get a gun cleaning kit. Get the lubricant-cleaner, and polish the whole gun, even the stock. Lubricate the bolt by pulling it out and cleaning it, and take the ramrod out from under the barrel and put a piece of cloth with some cleaner on it and run it through the barrel.
probabaly i guess u could
Ensure the firearm is unloaded and clear, get a cleaning rod and a bore brush, and run it through the barrel.
A jag is the tip on a cleaning rod that holds a cloth patch for swabbing the inside of the barrel.
I would use Crosman Pellgun oil. Or RWS air gun oil.
They will last for years. If you take care of them. Never use regular oil on them, only use Crosman pellgun oil or RWS air gun oil to lubricate them. Never use regular gun cleaning agents on the rifle it will eat away the O-Rings. If it's a pellet gun / Rifle never force it to shoot BB's. Hard BB's will destroy the rifling in the barrel. Never leave it cocked over night, it will weaken the spring. Take care of it and it will list a lifetime.
Stay away from commercial lubricant's. I suggest that you use only lubricants designed for Air rifles like the ones made by Crosman ( Perllgunoil) or RWS. Other oils may actually damage the seals in the rifle. Never use a firearms cleaning agents on Air guns they will damage the seals. Remember Real Firearms don't use o-rings like Air rifles. Follow the instructions for the proper places to oil the Air rifle. If you have a C02 rifle or pistol put a drop on Air gun oil on the tip of the C02 cylinder just before you put in the the gun. So when the tip is punctured it will lubricate the inside of the air system. Also take a flat thin sponge and put it in the bottom of your Pellet tin with a few drops of oil in it ,this will lubricate the pellets and the inside of the barrel. When you clean your rifle with a cleaning rod run the patch through the barrel until it is clean then I run a patch with air oil on it inside the barrel to keep it from rusting. Did you know that Beeman sells quick cleaning pellets that you fire through the rifle or pistol to clean the barrel. I think they are the only ones who make these. I clean the barrel about every 400 to 500 shots depending on how much I use the gun
Use a cloth swab threaded through the tip of a gun cleaning rod and swipe it through the barrel. Then take a clean one and do it again until all the oil is removed.
As long as it's mild then it's should be fine. I suggest you purchase Crosman Pellgunoil and lubricate joints after cleaning. Never use a harsh chemical or firearm cleaning agents to clean a BB gun . It will destroy the seals.
Buy better paint, and get a barrel that fits the paint well. Also clean your gun often.
Buy a .177 Cleaning rod kit for your air rifle ( If it's a .177 caliber.) DO NOT use any cleaning agents that are used for regular guns, the solvents will ruin the o-rings in the air gun. If it's s break-barrel rifle, break open the barrel slightly ( Don't cock it) and push a clean swab in from the rear of the barrel. Replace the swab several time until you get a clean swab. Do not use any oils on the barrel like 3-n-1. just use Air gun oils like the ones from RWS or Crosman. Wipe the rifle down with a clean rag with a few drops of air gun approved oil. Lubricate the joints with a few drops of Crosman or RWS oil. Clean the rifle about every 1000 shots or sooner if necessary. I would not use any other cleaning oils other than approved Airgun oils See the link below for Air Rifle cleaning kits.
dismantle it oil any moving parts use a gun cleaning kit to remove any lead build up in the barrel, have some one show you that owns a gun or check