No. the only full air canisters are 12 gram CO2 cartridges, all others are sold empty under law.
Usually specialized paintball "pro shops" that sell paintball markers, paint[balls] in quantities of 2000 or so, paintball gear (apparel, safety googles air tanks), and may offer refills for air tanks. Usually there will be one within a paintball field or pretty close to one, and some may may be miles away from the nearest field.
Compressed air tanks were around long before paintball.
No, they must be filled (and not with air). The only exception is the silver 12 gram cartridges for pistols and stock class guns.
They need the small sealed CO2 cartridges, not the screw on tanks. but yes they need Co2 to function.
T-Square Paintball, Jacksonville Arkansas
Cheap co2 tanks are about $20. Carbon air tanks go all the way up to $125 or so
Cubic Inches or the Volume. The Bigger the CI the more air its holds.
Air tanks come from russian bollets made from solfer umonier
There are many items that are sold on the Bandlands Paintball website. To name a few they offer paintball guns, masks, clothing, barrels, pads, air tanks, protective gear and DVDs with instructions.
The sizes 9 oz and all the way up to 20 oz can be used for paintball gun. Some of the paintball guns are supposed to be used by the larger tanks. So the size of tank depends on your paintball gun.
Yes, if you declare it as a firearm. You cannot bring air tanks however.
Unless you have certain Angel models, High pressure air is fine.