No. Statistics are broken out by regular season and postseason. Yardage or interceptions or such that is done in the postseason will count towards that player's career postseason stats.
Yes they do
Yes they do.
Because otherwise it would be unfair to players who failed to make the postseason playoffs. An average player on a good team would be able to increase their stats, while a better player with the misfortune to be on a poor team could easily wind up with lower career stats.
In most cases, the bibliography does not count towards the page count of a written assignment.
No, the work cited does not count towards the total word count.
A scrimmage is a game that doesn't count towards records or statistics. Like a practice game.
No, the works cited page typically does not count towards the word count of a written assignment.
No, the works cited page typically does not count towards the total word count of a document.
Yes, company matches do count towards the limit.