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Q: Do NFL teams get compensatory draft picks when one of their players is claimed off waivers by another team?
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Can a baseball player be recalled from waivers?

Yes, but based on the type of waivers the player is placed on. There are waivers solely for the purpose of granting a player his unconditional release. These waivers are not revocable and any player placed on these waivers cannot be recalled if they are claimed by another team. If no team claims the player he becomes a free agent. There are waivers for granting a player his outright release. A player cannot be recalled from these waivers if claimed but, if the player is not claimed, the team can assign him to the minor leagues. If the player refuses the assignment he becomes a free agent. There are waivers used for trading players after the MLB trading deadline of each season. A team places a player on these waivers after they have received interest in the player from another team. They hope the team showing the interest is the team that wins the claim so they can make a trade. This trade must be made within two days of the claim and, generally, the player is traded for a minor leaguer or a player to be named later. If the player is claimed by a team that hasn't shown interest in the player, the team may recall the player from waivers. But they can only do this once per season. If the player's team decides to place the player on trade waivers again and any team claims him, they cannot withdraw him a second time and lose him to the claiming team.

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Rules regarding trades in major league baseball?

During the regular season, trades may be made up to July 31 without restriction. Between August 1 and August 31, a trade may be made only if the player on the team's 40 man roster is placed on waivers first. If the player is not claimed by another team, he may be traded to any team. If the player is claimed by another team, the player's team may work out a trade with the team that claimed him. Should the trade involve other players that are on either team's 40 man roster, those players must pass unclaimed through waivers before the trade can be completed. Should more than one team claim a player on waivers, the team with the worst win/loss record is the team that 'wins' the claim. No trades may be made after August 31.

What does picked up on waivers mean in baseball?

to be acquired for free, the team offers a player on waivers if they are being removed from the roster, a player can be claimed, but not immediately sent after the trading deadline

What is a waiver in football?

if a player is waived in the nfl, they are put on the waivers list... this makes them available to be claimed by any team. If there's a two way battle, i believe it goes to the team who offered a better deal. If a player is not claimed off waivers they are then a free agent.

How can your paintball business not to get sued?

You need lots of insurance and players to sign waivers.

If the Pistons knew Elden Campbell would back on the team before he cleared waivers what stopped another team from claiming him?

Another team could have claimed him on waivers, but the Pistons knew that was extremely unlikely given his age, playing time, and salary. They were shocked when NJ claimed him after Utah waived him after the arroyo trade earlier in the year - they were expecting to get him back then. I'm still not sure why NJ claimed him - if it was to spite the pistons, they would not have waived him late in the year. The impression I get is that they claimed him partly to be mean, partly because they thought he might be a useful body to have around, and that they basically relented at the end and waived him at his request.

Who does Dan Lafeavor play for?

He plays for the Cincinnati Bengals, who claimed him off waivers on September 5, 2010

If a player is claimed off hockey waivers can they be assigned to the minor league affiliate or do they have to join the NHL roster?

The team claiming the player from waivers is allowed to place the player in the minors if it so chooses.

What happens if not claimed from waivers in NFL?

The player becomes a free agent and is able to negotiate with any team in the NFL about a contract.

What are the benefits of having a baseball player clear waivers prior to trading him vs trading through a waiver claim?

The benefits of having a baseball player clear waivers prior to trading him versus trading due to a waiver claim is after July 31, any players that clear waivers can be traded to any team whereas a player that has been claimed can only be traded to the team that is awarded the team which will make trade talks difficult since they can only discuss trading the player with one team as opposed to multiple teams.

How did the redsox and dodgers trade after deadline?

Waivers. The deadline for regular trades is July 31, after that teams can still trade for another month via the waiver wire. Teams place their players on "waivers" which enables other teams to claim those players. If a player is claimed, the waiving team has 3 days to do choose 1 of the 3 following options: arrange a trade with the claiming team, allow the claiming team to simply take the player and assume his entire remaining contract and salary, or pull him off of waivers and keep him. If no team claims the player within a certain period of time then he is considered to have cleared waivers, and his team can either move him to the minors or pull him off of waivers. Waivers differs from the regular trade period in that you can no longer approach specific teams and suggest a trade; you can only deal with whichever team claims the player, and teams are given preference according to their record with the worst record getting priority. This rule allows teams in contention to effectively block trades to other teams in their division. In this instance, LA was in 1st place when they claimed AGon, so SF - being a contender for the Western title - could have opted to claim AGon after learning he was claimed by LA, seeing as SF had the worse record. The downside here is the risk of potentially getting stuck with a player they do not want, need, or can't afford. Had SF claimed AGon in attempt to block him from going to LA, Boston could have just let him go, in which case, SF is now obligated to take the player they didn't actually intend to keep. The bottom line is that the regular trade period gives you the ability to choose a team with players you want and then negotiate a trade. Trading via waivers forces you to deal with whichever team claims your player, and that team might not have players that adequately address your needs.