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In Rugby when you are pushing against each other( in a rugby scrum) your muscles contract but stay the same length and this is isometric contraction. Even though you are using a lot of force your muscles stay the same length.

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A muscles contraction (also known as a muscle twitch or simply twitch) occurs when a generates tension through the action of and cross-bridge cycling. While under tension, the muscle may, or

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Q: Different types of muscular contractions in rugby?
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iswear down dont know it :-D

Give examples of different types of muscular contraction relating to four different types of physical activity?

Isometric contractions are static contractions during which muscle fibres do not change length. There is no movement of the joint to which the muscle is attached but energy is expended resisting a force that does not move. for example when you put your hands up for a long time.

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Muscles are tissues that are specialized for contractions.

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True synergy is when a muscle that crosses two joints is restricted at one joint by another muscle. There are are two types of synergy:Helping synergy is when two muscles contract simultaneously to produce one movement.True synergy is when a different muscle contracts to stop the secondary action of another muscle.

What are 4 different types of tissue in animals?

Epithelial, connective, muscular, and nervous tissues.