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Q: Did slade smiley win the state championship in bicylcling?
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In Remember the Titans- do the Titans win the state championship?

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Bulgarian State Football Championship was created in 1924.

Is Slade actually Robin?

Slade is NOT Robin, never was, never will be. Furthermore Slade is NOT Robin's father. This can be proven in the comics which clearly state that Robin's parents were killed by criminals, hence his hatred for evil. Second, Slade is the father of three children, two sons and a daughter. Both of the sons are dead and Robin is so not a female or dead so that cancels out his possibility of being Slade's biological child.

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Ohio state didn't play in the national championship! Oklahoma and Florida did

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Yes he did, in 1975 when he broke his ankle in the State Championship game.

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they've never won a football state championship.

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Florida and Georgia

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Peru State won the NAIA National Division II Championship in 1990.

What word means the quality or state of being a winner ending with the suffix -ship?

The word is "championship".