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yes you can. it might hurt a bit, but it shouldn't effect u.

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13y ago
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13y ago

yes you can because i broke it in primary 6 and i was able to move it

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9y ago

No it is not reccomended

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9y ago

Yes just be careful

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Q: Could i play basketball with a broken wrist?
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Is it ok to play video games with a broken wrist?

Yes but it's not recommend

What are some common reasons to use a wrist brace?

Some common reasons to use a wrist brace is if one has damaged the tendons in the wrist, sprained the wrist, or broken the wrist. One can also use a brace for support in sports to avoid injuring themselves.

How long should you wait to play baseball after broken wrist heals?

8-10 weeks

Where can you get a job if you play basketball after school?

you could tutor basketball newbies

What rides can a person go on with a broken wrist?

one of my friends broke their wrist and he was allowed to play tackle football so i would say any rides would be fine

Could an elderly person in a wheelchair play basketball?

An elderly person in a wheelchair could play basketball, although probably not very well. But nothing would prevent such a person from throwing a basketball at a hoop.

How would one go about training a gorilla to play basketball?

There are many ways that an individual could train a gorilla to play basketball. The best way is to send the gorilla to a basketball camp or to a monkey training center where the gorilla can learn to play basketball.

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to play Basketball

Is Basketball a modern sport?

Basketball originated in the 1890s, ironically in an attempt to create a game that "anyone could play".

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Can monkeys play basketball?

They could. They would defiantly be bad though

Could basketball play Michael Jordan have witnessed the collapse of the Berlin Wall?
