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im a d3 paintball player and i have used all types of cleats. what i have found to be the best is Baseball cleats with the hard rubber bottoms, not the metal spikes or plastic spikes. get them in mid not low. but you will easily be able to play outdoor and very well indoor or on turf. but you will not be able to play good on turf with others. also, do not use boots.

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Q: Cleats for paintball
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What is appropriate clothes?

Paintball Jersey with padding. Paintball pants, or ski pants. Mask, and tennis shoes or cleats. If you don't like getting hit then get a Chest and Neck protector.

What is the difference between soccer cleats and baseball cleats?

Baseball cleats have toes and soccer cleats don't

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Footballers wear cleats, shoes with studs on the bottom to get a good grip in the wet soil.

What cleats are faster rubber cleats or screw on cleats?

As a DB and WR I can only say I'm faster with screw on cleats ;)

Where can one find discounted paintball accessories?

One can find discounted paintball accessories from Just Paintball, Paintballing, Discount Paintball, Zephyr Paintball, Outpost Paintball, Paintball UK and Armed Paintball stores.

What do you call spikes at bottom of cleats?

I believe the spikes on the bottom of soccer cleats are known as cleats!

Are baseball cleats the same as football cleats?

No there is a difference between baseball cleats and football cleats. Football cleats are used for traction and are screw in type, where as baseball cleats are not they are put there for keeps they also are longer in size. here is a site that explains what I am saying but better

Are softball cleats and baseball cleats difference?

There is no difference. The only difference there MIGHT be is the bottom of the cleat. You can have METAL or MOLDED cleats. There are softball cleats that are metal but the majority of the time the baseball cleats TEND TO BE metal and softball cleats TEND TO BE molded. BUT, metal cleats are allowed in softball, made for softball, AND VISE VERSA. SO IT REALLY WOULDN'T MATTER WHAT CLEATS YOU BOUGHT.

Do you have to have certain softball shoes for softball?

Depending on what type of field you play on, you can either wear cleats of turf shoes. Cleats are the most common type of softball shoe. There are both rubber cleats and metal cleats, but most leagues do not allow you to wear metal cleats.

What are the litest soccer cleats?

Adidas cleats

Do baseball cleats have only have metal?

Cleats for little league players use plastic cleats

What are some popular paintball discounters in the US?

Popular paintball stores in the US offering discounted paintball equipment include Paintball Discounters, Paintball Online, Discount Paintball, and Zephyr Paintball. Inexpensive paintball equipment can be found secondhand on websites such as Amazon and eBay.