it depends on the shoe because some have small spikes on them and some don't
Yes! in fact, you can't even wear "cleats'. You have to wear flat-bottomed shoes. It's recommended to have 'soccer shoes' for indoor.
any shoes, plastic cleats, tennis shoes, etc. but the most common and the one with the best traction is turf shoes Indoor soccer is usually played inside a gym with hardwood flooring. Also, indoor soccer can be played in gyms with turf- like carpeting. Tennis shoes or sneakers are preferred, yet indoor soccer shoes are the best bet. Do not wear shoes with marking soles or shoes with heels. There are specialized indoor soccer shoes you can find at specialized soccer or sports stores. The link below is for an online store selling indoor soccer shoes if you would like to see an example of one or even buy one.
Soccer sneakers should be tight for better ball control and proper shooting. Soccer shoes cannot be lose because it won't allowed you to dribble and pass the ball well. Wear thick soccer socks and the shoes will eventually mold to your fit.
Wayne Rooney wears nike 90 shoes that he designed of the feild he wears typical indoor soccer shoes
Many soccer players wonder how they can purchase a pair of great indoor soccer shoes quickly. This isn't surprising because there are many indoor soccer shoes available that offer an assortment of benefits to soccer players who need a soccer shoe that is especially designed to provide traction on the synthetic turf products used in most indoor soccer venues.With these thoughts in mind, please read these tips that can help you purchase indoor soccer shoes with confidence.Tip 1: Be sure to examine the shoe's outsole carefully.The outsole is the portion of a soccer shoe that is located at the bottom. Be sure to examine this portion of the shoe carefully for wear along the shoe's treads. It is a good idea to do this because it can help you avoid indoor soccer shoes that provide no traction while passing or shooting a ball during a match.Tip 2: Be sure to examine the shoe's midsole carefully.An indoor soccer shoe's midsole provides support for your foot's arches. As a result, it is a good idea to look for indoor soccer shoes that have comfortable midsoles that support the width of your foot comfortably. The easiest way to find indoor soccer shoes that have comfortable midsoles is to measure the width of your feet in advance before buying a pair of indoor soccer shoes.Tip 3: Be sure to consider the weight of the shoes.Many soccer coaches recommend considering the weight of a soccer shoe in advance. While this may seem silly to do, it is actually a good idea to consider the shoes' weight in advance. This is the case because it can help you avoid indoor soccer shoes that contain excess weight that slows down your ability to run, pass, or change directions during a match.Tip 4: Be sure to ask your favorite sporting goods dealer for more tips and advice.For more tips on how to purchase indoor soccer shoes, please visit one of your local sporting goods dealers today. They can help you select a pair of indoor soccer shoes that can help you improve your game quickly.
Yes you can.
Well, it matters. If the field has turf or fake grass then yes. But, it is a tile or wood floor then no because you can slip. There are also gym shoe form of every cleet. Those are the shoes you wear on tile or wood floor.
Nike R10. Ronaldhino 10
I wear tennis shoes when running/tennis. Cleats when playing soccer/football. Basketball Shoes for basketball.
Sometimes Sometimes
indoor football shoes such as "Adidas predator absolado in" or similar can be used on concrete but they wear out in less than 6 months if u use them regularly like 2-3 times a week.. and as for turf it affects ur perfomance as they dont have a very good grip on turf. i suggest u get studs for turf as they can also be used on grass and a separate pair of indoor shoes just for wooden and concrete surfaces