No. It will damage the leather. Go to a sporting goods store they should have a product for that.
get a new glove dummie
If there is a ball in it it breaks the glove in
Get a new baseball glove or don't let your sister use it
First, oil or spray your glove down good. Then, place in the oven at 325 to 350 for 3 to 5 minutes, depending on stiffness of leather. Pull it out of the oven and rub off excess oil. As soon as you feel you can place your hand inside the heated glove do so. (I recommend a batting glove of some sorts for this part.) Once your hand is in work it a couple of times then place a baseball or softball in the pocket and close the glove as if you were making a catch and tie the the glove in this position. Then, let the glove sit for 4 or 5 hours. Untie the glove and work it for 30 minutes. Repeat as necessary.
you know when its time when your hands start to hurt when you put them on your hands. If there is a huge hole in the golves, or if you think you need new ones Another solution to the palms being ripped up is getting repalmed. take your gloves to a sporting goods store and they will make them feel practically new for a fraction of the price.
If you want to oil a new glove you should go to a sporting goods store and buy some glove oil or conditioner then you apply it the way it instructs then you can shape the glove after you do this it will help clean and restore the glove to feel like new but still broken in.
When brand new, its clear, and slightly golden like vegetable oil. When used, its darker like olive oil- kinda yellow....BB New, CLEAN brake fluid is clear. If it's black, the seals are wearing/worn in your master cylinder or wheel cyliner/caliper Clear when new, turns brown with age.
The trademark of Hutch Cincinnati was trasfferred to the new company which I am working with. It will be a plan to re-build the complete product line very soon. By the way, what kind of Hutch Basball glove are you looking for?
the top vegetable is a cactus
Fulton County, New York was America's glove making center
how do you get the brake caliper push in to put new brake on
New brake drums are broken in the first time you go for a drive usually.