Only for the squirrel!
Bad Luck, over confident
please explain how is it running bad
At 100,000 miles or if it is running bad or missing.At 100,000 miles or if it is running bad or missing.
If it is a bad leak it will keep it fron idleing. While the engine is running you can spray some carb cleaner over the vacuum lines including intake gaskets when the engine changes sound or dies you have found the leak.
try looking under the glove compartment try looking under the glove compartment
Yes, It can cause the engine to mis-fire and it also can cause the fuel pump to over heat/fail.
The fan under and behind the glove box is bad. I just bought one on eBay for $75. They are over 300 at the dealer.
It sounds like the alternator is bad. If the alternator is bad the battery will not hold charge when running
Get engine running. While the engine is running disconect the POSITIVE termninal from the battery. If the engine dies, the Alterntor is bad.
Bad News Baseball happened in 1989.