It depends on which state you live in. Call your local Police Department, and ask them. I used to live in a county that didnt allow you to even own one. But if you just want to shoot in your backyard, that shouldn't be a problem. Just make sure you have the orange tip on the barrel to confirm that it is in fact an airsoft gun. email me at for any questions from airsoft guns, all the way up to real guns.
To shoot a paintball gun in Roblox, simply point to where you want to shoot at and click the left button of your mouse or trackpad.
At paintball fields, or on your own property.
Yes you do.
As long as you shoot it on your property at your property.
Yes, reballs were made to be shot out of paintball guns.
All you have to do is pull a trigger, so it is very easy, almost effortless, to shoot a paintball gun.
Well it is!
i think so
I don't know either
On most if not all paintball guns you would have to pull the trigger with the safety off.
At a paintball field, or in a large, open area with the owners permission.