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You can do whatever you want to serve there is only one rule, it has to go inside the small box on the other side across from you and you can't pass the base line or go pass the middle.

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Q: Can you run and jump like volleyball to hit a tennis serve?
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What is a jump serve in regards of volleyball?

When you are practicing spiking, you throw your own ball into the air and hit it over the net? Well it is exactly like that but within legal boundaries for serving.

What are the 2 methods of serving Volleyball?

Actually, there are many more than two.You can...Underhand serve (swing under the ball with a fist)Overhand serve (Contact the ball above your head with an open palm)Spike Jump Serve (Do a three step approach, jump and contact the ball in the air like an overhand serve)Slide Jump Serve (Run to the side using your three step approach, jump, turn in the air and snap your shoulders, and contact the ball like and overhand serve)There are many more, but those are the most basic (listed from most basic to least basic)Hope this helps =)

Is it legal in badminton for the birdie to hit the net on a serve?

Yes. Unlike volleyball, in badminton, you must hit the ball only once, like its cousin, tennis.

What are the 3 basic serves in volleyball?

Well I guess there are three general types of serves in volleyball,Floater (the ball doesnt really spin much, it can float across the court, common)Top Spin (the ball spins very fast forward, common)Side spin (the ball spins sideways, not very common)But there is also these three types, Jump serve (a very powerful serve, has several advantages like, power, intimidation, and getting the ball to the court faster (since your jumping the ball doesnt have to go up and across, just across))Standing overhand serve (a standard serve, you will see this most)Underhand serve (used in lower levels of volleyball, not an effective/strong serve at all, it's never used in highschool/college)

What three kinds of errors can result in losing the serve?

The three kinds of errors that can result in losing the serve in sports like tennis or volleyball are: Serving the ball out of bounds. Failing to get the ball over the net. Committing a foot fault by stepping on or over the service line.

What sports can girls do?

girls could do more better sports that boys like tennis and volleyball

How do you say Volleyball in Spanish?

I like volleyball: Me gusta voleibol. I like to play volleyball: Me gusta jugar voleibol.You say it like this: Me gusta el volleyball.

What is the sound of a volleyball serve?

Typically, a good volleyball serve will sound like a deep thunk/boom. However, if the ball is hit with the fingers instead of the palm, it may make a high slapping sound.

Can you clean a volleyball?

yes just like you can clean a football, soccer ball, tennis ball, and golf ball. ****

What kind of sports are played in Texas?

Texans like to play baseball, basketball, and football, some tennis and volleyball.

What are some acadian sports?

we mainly have any sports that anyone else plays like soccer, baseball, tennis, basketball, volleyball and things like that!

What is something interesting about Sally Ride?

she likes sports like tennis,runnning,volleyball and softball. she also likes stamp collecting