The best way is to just buy new ones or get them out of another helmet
Riddel revolution,edge, or speed
WHere can i find a 3d model of the Riddell Revolution Speed Helmet
Revolution Speed. Facemask is a REVO Speed 3 bar.
Yes it can just take your helmet with you if your going to a store to make sure because there are different visors. the ones with screws to like connect it to your face mask or the ones with plastic cuffy\s to hold it on preferbaly the screw ons are best you have a wide selection oakely under armor Nike, many more. So just check and make sur it fits the style of the Revolution and not just a standard.
Find a comparable size screw and pop er in there. a wider screw is always better than a narrow however.
i don't know the exact weight of the helmet, but if you are looking for a comfortable protective helmet, the revo speed of this would be your helmet of choice, but if you are looking for the lighter of the two, take the revo speed
I would go with the Riddell Revolution Speed Helmet. I have it and I love it. It has an aggressive shell design while the Xenith X1 is more laid back. But position does matter too, if you are a skilled player I would go Speed, but O-Lineman should get Xenith X1. I am a Defensive End and O-Line (should not be, but I am the strongest on the team so..)
for more speed and to win
You have to call riddell and ask them to find the facemask for you in their inventory they have it.
the revo speed helmet was invented in mid or late 2009
Its the fuckining helmet