WHere can i find a 3d model of the Riddell Revolution Speed Helmet
yes it is
Revolution Speed. Facemask is a REVO Speed 3 bar.
the revo speed helmet was invented in mid or late 2009
i don't know the exact weight of the helmet, but if you are looking for a comfortable protective helmet, the revo speed of this would be your helmet of choice, but if you are looking for the lighter of the two, take the revo speed
Revo Speed
it costs about 200 dollars
Try eBay or craigslist
Find a comparable size screw and pop er in there. a wider screw is always better than a narrow however.
revo IQ is an updated version of the revolution, it has a more comfortable back of the head pad, but it has the same protection, Revo speed is kind of the same, but i think it is better, it has better sight lines for better vision, better, more comfortable padding, i don't know if they are lighter of heavier, but i do know that they look cooler than the revo IQ though, also the the revo speed is much newer so i am guessing that it is all around better, but it is your preference, go out to an athletic store and try them on, personally i thought that the revo speed is more comfortable and had better vision for inside the helmet
Single bar facemasks have been deemed ineligible in high school, college, and nfl play. Therefore, the Revo Speed being a newly made helmet, single bar facemasks have not been produced for it.
i wear a medium in a ion the same brand as DNA and i wear a medium in the revo speed. 6 1/2-7 is a hat size for the medium and 20 3/8 -22 is the head circumference for the med. !
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