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Yes, but you must remove the jewelry before you play, or the referee won't allow it. In recreational and amateur leagues, you could probably get away with it, but it's technically a violation of the Laws of the Game.

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Q: Can you play soccer with your rook pierced?
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Should you get your rook pierced on left or right ear I have my lobes pierced and 2 middle ear piercings on right ear?

AnswerYou should get your rook pierced on the left ear.

What is a rook that can be pierced?

Don't really understand the question. If you're wondering if your rook is pierceable, you have to go to your piercer and ask.

What piercing hurts more- tragus or rook?

The tragus piercing has a smaller cartillage when pierced while the rook piercing has a bigger cartilage. So rook has to be the much more painful type of ear piercing.

What is the pain like when you are getting your rook on your ear pierced?

It doesn't hurt. Unless it gets infected afterwards.

Where can kids get their ears pierced?

uh,, their ears???? your question answers itself,, if you're asking where can kids get pierced.. you name it and they can probably get it.. back of the neck, rook, nose, eyebrow, nipple, tongue, lip etc. etc.

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he wants to play soccer because he likes to play soccer.

You really want to get your ears pierced again you already have your lobe pierced but you want another one any ideas and nothing to crazy?

i'd suggest rook or tragus..unless you're not opposed to having a second lobe piercing on each ear

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play soccer and be scouted play soccer and be scouted

Do israelis play soccer?

Yes, Israelis play soccer. Children play soccer in the streets as well.

What is the legal age for rook piercings in Canada?

I'm not sure about other areas, but in BC the legal age for any piercing without consent it 16 (excluding genitalia, nipples and surface piercings) However, there are many professional piercers that you can go to underage. I got my rook pierced when I was 14.

Can I take out my nearly pierced earrings for one hour to play soccer?

Don't think you can, because it's newly pierced. I know this sounds weird but if you want to keep it from falling out, you can just put tape over it, that's what my old school did when people with earrings had gym. Hope this helps :)

Did Michael Jackson play soccer?

No he did not play soccer.