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Depends. Strengthening the muscles around the knee (quads, calves, hamstrings, glutes + improve muscle endurance with biking/stairs) + a good ligament knee brace could hold you off until you get surgery & rehab to address the issue. You risk more damage if you hurt yourself again though (each time the knee "buckles"/gives way)

I tore my acl and meniscus a few months ago and have since strengthened my legs with closed chain excercises (deadlifts, step ups, lunges, squats & kettlebells) and use a donjoy armour brace and can play, though not at 100%. Only doing this until my surgery which will be in a few months time from now.

I would only play on a torn ACL if you are trying to finish up an athletic season, with surgical repair to be done as soon as possible or at least once your current season is over.

I am NOT a doctor, this is only my opinion. Consult with your doctor or physiotherapist to ensure you have adequate strength/good enough knee brace to participate (until you get your surgery)...otherwise you risk further and possibly serious injury to your knee.


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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

From what I understand, the answer is "yes". However, there is a lot of initial discomfort, both physical and psychological. The physical discomfort is pain and swelling, which subsides over time. The psychological discomfort is a feeling of not being able to "trust" the knee. Most doctors do not recommend surgical reconstruction of this injury because the procedure is complicated and remains somewhat controversial.

Tiki Barber, formerly of the NY Giants football team actually played football on a torn PCL and gave an interview about it recently.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

You CAN, but SHOULD NOT. Go to the doctor. Get examined. Know what you are dealing with. Also do your own research to ask your doctor all the right questions. After you've looked at the pros and cons and if you truly feel you want to play, use a a knee brace. Ask your doctor for a sports knee brace (lightweight) that will provide proper support. No ordinary knee brace will do. You need lateral support. I tried playing with a partially torn ACL. I tore it completely during practice by not wearing a brace..trying to run and kick on wet ground. My knee gave out, huge popping sound, and I was out for the rest of the soccer season... My senior year and as Varsity Captain, no less. Soccer is a contact sport with lots of pivoting, which is hard on the knees. Take care.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Playing Basketball with a torn ACL can damage your knee even more. There's always a chance that you're going to fall or twist it, and tear your meniscus or MCL. I have a torn ACL right now, but I play some basketball. My doctors tell me not to, but my knee can handle it. So I guess it also depends on your knee. My knee doesn't give out or hyper-extend. I can run, jump, do everything normal. It feels like my other knee. I just shoot around. and have played a game once, but if you do I'd take it very easy. Tell everyone not to hit your knee. Don't penetrate, don't go after a rebound, and don't do a jump stop. That's how I did mine.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

I have for about 5 years. I get the odd swing that hurts my knee a bit but those happen maybe once every 10 rounds and the pain goes away quite quick(maybe hurts for a hole).

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Your doctor can tell you, but typically an ACL injury takes any kind of vigorous physical activity off the table until repair and physical therapy are over.

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