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You can intecept the ball whenever you can as long as you don't foul them. If yuio don't push, reach or hit the player you can try to intercept it.

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Q: Can you intercept ball on way to basket?
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Does the type of ball affect how well you shoot a basket?

In most cases, the type of ball does affect how well you shoot the basket. The grip must be just right for the person, along with the inflation of the ball, and several other characteristics, which affect how well you shoot a basket. Sometimes, it isn't the ball, but the way you shoot the ball. No

Toughching the ball when a shot is descending towards the basket or is directly above the basket?

Goaltending my friend, or basket interference. Either way, it is very much illegal

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Yes you can intercept just stand in front of the ball

What are basketballs made for?

it was way back in the middle ages when they had a basket and a ball. The game was much different then but it is still the same concept, getting the ball in the basket. Sir Treson Basket invented it

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basket ball i like to be a basket ball player

How was basketball named?

There was a basket...and a ball...and they tried getting the ball IN the basket...hence basketball

Who was the first basket ball player?

the first basket ball player was James Naismith he invented and played basket ball it was 1891 and he was thinking of a way to keep his students occupied on the winter days so he nailed a peach basket to a 10 foot elevated track and he didn't remove the bottom so every time someone made a shot they had 2 go up 10 feet to get the ball

What is basketball theory?

Basically, on offense, you have to dribble the ball down to your side of the court and find a way to get the ball down to the goal and shoot and make it in the basket. On defense, you have to stop the other team from shooting the ball into the basket. If you steal the ball you go back to what I told you to do on offense.

What are basketball equpiment?

ball= a rubber round ball that you use to shoot into the basket basket= a tall hole that lets the ball come through the hole net= part of the basket rim= the outside part of the basket