Yes, a team can decline to accept any penalty if they so choose, barring exceptional things like a player ejection.
You cannot decline the penalty, since it is happening prior to the snap, you can, however, decline the YARDAGE of the penalty.
It depends if the defending team either accepts or declines the penalty. If they accept it, then they move the ball back 15 yards from where the holding penalty was called, and run another play. If they decline, then they decided to ignore the holding. (they might do this if the offense didn't score. If they were to accept, that would give the offense another chance to score)
They can decline the penalty, yes... but there would be no reason to decline it, because in high school this is a dead ball foul and the play is immediately blown dead.
no penalty. with holding tax only
A ten yard penalty. (1st and 10 to 1st and 20)
The total number of penalty yards accumulated for two holding penalties and a false start would be 20 yards. Holding penalties typically result in a 10-yard penalty each, and a false start penalty also results in a 5-yard penalty. Therefore, 10 + 10 + 5 = 20 yards in total.
The penalty shot centre - South Yorkshire. Telephone 07634178467
If an offensive holding penalty is called on a rushing play and the defensive team accepts the penalty, there is no play recorded as the down will be played over. Therefore, the ball carrier will no be credited with a rushing attempt nor any rushing yards.
Yes it is, if you do you will either get a slashing penalty or a holding the stick penalty