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Q: Can you call time out if you don't have possession of the basketball?
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Can bench call a time out in basketball?

a coach mainly calls the time out, but a player can do it if they have permission by the coach (unless they're team captain). you can also only call a time out if you're on OFFENSE. if you're defending and you call a time out, its a violation. a coach mainly calls the time out, but a player can do it if they have permission by the coach (unless they're team captain). you can also only call a time out if you're on OFFENSE. if you're defending and you call a time out, its a violation.

When can you call Time Outs?

As far as college ball and the NBA are concerned, a team may call a time out when they are in possession of the ball or during a dead ball. A team may not call time out when they are on defense.

What is the longest amount time a player should keep possession of the ball in basketball before passing to a teammate?

a player can hold it for 5 seconds and dribble it for 10 seconds then he has to make a basketball play

Can you call a timeout after regulation time has expired in a basketball game?

You can call a timeout whenever you would like to.

What are penalties in basketball?

Penalties in basketball are violates that result in free throws, change of possession, or getting more time on the shot clock. For example some penalties are traveling and hacking (hacking results in free throws)

Player putting his forearm on the dribbler is called what foul in basketball?

Maintaining contact with the player in possession of the ball with the hand or arm without pressure but for an extended period of time is known as "hand-checking." If the forearm is used to limit the motion of the dribbler, a "holding" call may be made.

What is your views about basketball?

Not my favorite sport, i dont like being body checked and running all the time.

Can a team call back to back time outs in basketball?

Yes. if the play is dead.

When the ball is in play who can call a time out?

As far as college ball and the NBA are concerned, a team may call a time out when they are in possession of the ball or during a dead ball. A team may not call time out when they are on defense.

First time offense misdemeanor possession?

Possession of WHAT?

Can only the captain of a basketball team call timeouts?

Generally speaking, no. The rules change a little from place to place, but in most professional basketball leagues all players on the court can call a time-out if theur team is in posetion of the ball.